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Spy photo of field conditions 5 hours before game time. (1/2)
Spy photo of field conditions 5 hours before game time. (2/2)
Radar image of rain staying to the east. (Storm was moving south to north, not west to east.)
Nate stands on second after batting in Jim K. (1st)
Kim at bat.
A-WOL chats with Nate about his infield single and prepares of muddy run. (2nd)
Jim K. smiles for the camera as the team looks on from the dug-out
Kim connects with an invisible bat for a single while Jon N. coaches Marlee in the background.
Joelle stands on second. (4th.)
Kim stands ready on third after sliding in to avoid the tag.
Close-up shot of the injury Jim K. substaned sliding into second.
Jessica at bat... (7th.) roots for Jessica to make a hit from the dugout...
Jessica hits a grounder to short, but the first baseman can't hold onto the ball, so Jessica is safe.
Copy of score book. (Per request of Rick Palma.)
All photos.
(Right click to download all photos in high quality to disk.)